This is his story....

This is his story...

On August 6, 2010, at 18 weeks gestation, our baby boy was diagnosed with anencephaly. The doctors told us that our sweet baby did not have much of his brain or skull, and that there was no way he would survive. They say that 95% of pregnancies diagnosed with anencephaly are terminated. We knew that we must give our baby boy life.

After 42 weeks, Baby Timothy Frank was born on January 25, 2011 at 5:40 pm, truly "Tiny Tim" at 4lb 15 oz. He was a fighter - he needed to be born alive to share his liver cells to save other babies, and he did just that. He took one breath and left us only seconds later to be with the Lord. We miss him so much but are so proud of what his little life is accomplishing.

This website is to keep Timothy's memory alive and share bits of our journey with our precious little boy. Every life is precious and has purpose - Timothy was able to accomplish so much in his short little life and we are so honored to have been chosen to be his mommy and daddy. Our hope is that Timothy's story will encourage others to give their children a chance to live, to tell their own story, and fulfill their purpose.

To God be the Glory.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

On Your Fourth Birthday

In remembering my sweet little boy....I look to your older sister Evie to see your smile. I look to your little brother Frankie to see your energy. And I am now gently reminded of your sweet little feet that I held in my hands when I hold your newest baby sister Nora. There isn't a day that goes by when I look at this blessed little family and can't help but notice where your rightful place would be. You are missed so much - Evie continues to speak of you and draw you often and your little brother is just learning how to pronounce your name in the sweetest way. Evie was wondering where the tent was for your birthday party today and when everyone would arrive. I can only imagine the celebrations that you have. Because of you I am so much more than I could have ever been on my own. You have been joined by so many more precious little lives whose mothers I am forever united to through you, and your mighty work lives on. Bless you my sweet, brave little one.